We all must make a concerted effort at being my brother's keeper.
Our mission is to provide uncompromising, personalized services to those incarcerated and those reentering back into society.
Our organization aims to provide a variety of educational trade skill books to individuals who are currently incarcerated. By doing so, we hope to assist in building a strong foundation that will help reduce the recidivism rate and enhance their ability to become productive citizens after their release from prison.
Additionally, we aim to support community health and well-being for those in the Indiana and Chicago-land area populations who are at risk for violence and other adverse health outcomes. We believe that in order to inspire our brothers in prison to see their worth and potential, it is important to dig deep inside ourselves. Our efforts build on the considerable resources that the federal government is already investing in states and localities, specifically to support re-entry and re-integration.
At IAMBK, we firmly believe that education is essential in creating a culture that neither criminalizes people nor looks to a cage to solve social problems. Our organization envisions a future society where we understand our interconnectedness and better perceive our mutual stakes in creating fair and just systems. Each facet of our work moves us towards this future by encouraging collaboration and dialogue across barriers and through walls.
I Am Brother Keeper Prison Ministry Book Club is a nonprofit 501c3 organization looking to use education to help inmates improve their analytical and communication skills.
With limited funds and resources, IAMBK provides prisoners with various books that trigger positive brain activity, ideas, actions, and behaviors. Like GED manuals, mental health/self-care books, CDL driver manuals, and educational material.
IAMBK Hospital response program hospital responders respond to referrals from local hospital of patients injured by violence in order to conduct risk assessments and create risk reductions goals. responders also work with loved ones visiting patients at local hospitals, focused on defusing high emotions and supporting them to care for the person hurt and each other. crisis intervention counseling is provided to patients and their loved ones at the hospital following a referral.
Community based violence prevention  IAMBK violence prevention services provide street outreach and conflict mediation services to individuals at highest risk for violence involvement, either as victim or perpetrator. services are provided within specific geographic areas with disproportionate rates of violent events. additionally, IAMBK provides structured case management services for individuals at risk.
Community engagement  to raise awareness about violence to key stakeholders, IAMBK provides public education services of various types to educate stakeholders on violence, behavior which elevates risk for violence, and prosocial activities with the goal of reducing violence. examples of public education activities include strategic events and distribution of education materials targeted to key stakeholder audiences.
Our organization always appreciates the generosity and involvement of people like you, with every contribution going towards making I Am My Brother's Keeper Prison Ministry Book Club an even better Non-Profit Organization than it already is.

For general inquiries, partnerships or to learn more about our work and how you can get involved, please check out our "Get Involved Page"
Book and Check Donations can be mailed to our mailing address below.
Please read our requirements For book donations.